
Head of Service Delivery (London)


Carley joined us back in 2022. Read about her career journey...

Where did your career journey start, and were there any moments that really shaped your career along the way?

I was never great at school, didn’t go to uni, and so I’ve worked my way up from a standing start in many ways. I started out working front of house as an office receptionist, but soon saw the opportunities for progression by shifting into the world of FM. The biggest leap in my career came in 2019 when Legal & General became my client – I would even go so far as to say that the L&G building changed my life! I built up a great relationship with the people there and developed a lovely team with a real sense of community and passion for social value. After I returned from maternity leave, my manager here at Bellrock promoted me to Head of Service, which means I’m proud to say L&G is still my client to this day. It’s been a nonstop journey!

What inspired you to pursue a career in this field?

Like so many people in FM, I fell into it by chance. While working front of house, I was given the opportunity to progress, and I took it with open arms because I was unsure about my long-term career prospects at the time.

The FM and property industries are often male-dominated – can you share any challenges you’ve faced as a result, and how you’ve managed them?

Being a young women in this industry has come with its challenges, as a women of Asian decent it can sometimes feel like I tick a diversity box, I also like to express myself with the make up, jewellery and clothing I choose to wear, and that sometimes can give off an impression to some people that I do not hold the position I actually do. In my early 20’s it was difficult to gain respect and some men in the industry made me feel uncomfortable. The problem is not as prevalent now, although I still get spoken down to at time, as I am sure others do. I’ve overcome any negativity and I believe because I work incredibly hard and canget on with everyone that my value shines through.

How do you think we can create a more supportive environment for women and other underrepresented groups in the workplace? 

Change needs to come from the top. If those at the top aren’t socially aware or able to embrace the same diversity training, then there are limits on what we can achieve. I’d also like to see more female bosses. My current boss, Claire, is fantastic because I feel seen and heard. At the same time, I’m never micromanaged and am recognised for the work I put in. Another female boss I had also nominated me for a Top 40 Females Under 40 in FM award, and I made the list. It was a big moment for me.

At a personal level, I’m trying to do my bit. I'm passionate about supporting the LGBTQIA+ community through our work at L&G and, so far, have thrown two pride festivals and two drag queen bingos, with all proceeds going to charity. I also wrote a book for my daughter called ABC DRAG during my maternity leave, which is a child friendly A-Z of drag culture, and 10% of the proceeds from the book were donated to help raise money for LGBTQIA+ charities.

If you could have dinner with one inspirational women, who would you invite and why? 

Jane Fonda is an absolute icon. I would love to ask her about her activist work and how she keeps going in her 80s. Another great guest would be the late Maya Angelou. She was an immensely influential woman of colour during one of the most notorious periods of American history. I can’t even begin to imagine some of the things she must have experienced.